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How important is it to follow TIMINGS and why?
An interesting conversation with my daughter sparked off this article. She has started her work online with a college in the US( a...

Lactose intolerance and how do you counter it?
Lactose intolerance happens when our body doesn’t make enough of the enzyme lactase which digests lactose. Lactose is present in dairy...

Mindful Eating
I’ve been reading a lot about it recently.There is so much to it but I shall try and summarize my learning.It’s all about knowing what...

The humble leaf kadi patta
Today as I was cooking I realised that as a South Indian I probably add curry leaves to all the dishes. Then I realised this leaf is used...

Walking your way to good health
Walking is a low impact exercise with immense benefits. I have personally experienced the benefits of walking. A 30 minute brisk walk...

Health benefits of fermented foods!!
I’m sure you are all wondering what is the picture attached to this article. Well, it is fermented carrots which I made in a workshop for...

Why should we go nuts for Almonds
An ounce of almonds gives us 6gms of protein and carbohydrates, 3.5 gms of fiber and 14gms of fat (monounsaturated or the good fat). • ...

Can the Liver have anything to do with Weightloss?
he answer to the above question is an emphatic yes. Liver is the largest organ (after the skin) in the body with over 500 different...

A few Facts and Myths
An international team of scientists have found that dieting is a constant battle because when people diet the brain thinks that we are...
Articles: Blog2
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